Watch Movie Dark Matter - Episode 11

Dark Matter (2015)

Embark on an enigmatic journey with “Dark Matter,” a sci-fi thriller that captivates with its intriguing premise. Six amnesiac crew members aboard a desolate spaceship find themselves stranded in the desolate depths of space, their memories erased. As they navigate their uncertain fate, a cargo hold filled with weaponry and a cryptic destination hint at a turbulent past. With no recollection of their former identities or allegiances, they are poised at a crossroads: to embrace their newfound amnesia or confront the haunting shadows of their forgotten lives. As the boundaries between friend and foe blur, their choices will determine the destiny of a distant mining colony on the brink of a cataclysmic war. “Dark Matter” invites you to unravel the mysteries of a forgotten crew, exploring the intricate interplay between identity, memory, and the consequences of the past.

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