Watch Movie Sons of Tucson - Episode 1

Sons of Tucson (2010)

Prepare for a hilarious and heartfelt family comedy in “Sons of Tucson,” where three brothers enlist the services of a charismatic schemer, Ron Snuffkin, to pose as their father while their real one serves time in prison. As Ron navigates the unexpected role of patriarch, he encounters Robby, the rebellious 8-year-old; Gary, the cunning 11-year-old; and Brandon, the gentle-natured 13-year-old. Amid the everyday challenges of a single-parent household, the Gunderson family’s unique dynamics become untangled. With Ron’s vast array of skills and a chess match that keeps everyone on edge, “Sons of Tucson” offers an unconventional and endearing take on family, where bonds are formed in the unlikeliest of circumstances, reminding us that love can come from the most unexpected places.

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